Does Iran have nuclear capabilities?


Does Iran have nuclear capabilities?

Does Iran have nuclear capabilities?

[2] Currently, Iran has complete nuclear fuel cycle capabilities including uranium mining, milling, conversion, and enrichment facilities. [3] Iran's extensive enrichment program, which could be used to produce highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, has been particularly controversial.

What country has the best nuclear weapons?

Russia has the most nuclear weapons followed by the United States and France. There only 9 countries with confirmed Nuclear Weapons.

What state has the most nuclear weapons?

The highest concentration of nuclear warheads is at the Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific in Bangor, Washington, which is home to more than 2,300 warheads probably the most nuclear weapons at any one site in the world.

What countries have nuclear bombs?

There are currently six Countries known to have the Nuclear Bomb. These Countries are; United States of America, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Iran and China. That's all i… know.

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