Are Pringles real potato chips?

Are Pringles real potato chips?
Pringles are made differently from real potato chips. Pringles are not come from potatoes in any shape or form, but instead the creation process begins with wheat, rice, corn and potato flakes. All these ingredients are pressed into a sheet of ultra-thin dough and mechanically cut into uniform shape.
Why are Pringles not chips?
The truth of the matter is that Pringles do not come from potatoes in any recognizable way. In fact, the Pringles company once stated that potato content of their chips was so low that they are technically not even potato chips. The statement was made in order to avoid taxes typically placed...
What is the shape called that Pringles are?
The distinctive saddle shape of a Pringles chip is mathematically known as a hyperbolic paraboloid. Creating that shape means forming both potato and potato flour together, so Pringles are more like formed crisps than chips.