Do you get XP by winning BGS in Wow?

Do you get XP by winning BGS in Wow?
Obviously some of us will be BGing regardless, but in Retail Wow you can actually level pretty quickly just by playing BGs and winning 1/2 of them. Wasn't there a small xp gain from turning in marks or was that just the first time and my memory is dog shit?
When do BGS give XP in vanilla Vanilla?
Quests and mobs give exp in AV. You can enter at level 51. Not directly, but you get a pretty good amount from turning in the badges. My cousin leveled 10-60 almost exclusively in BG’s in retail vanilla doing exactly this. Believe he was rank 10 or 11 by the time he hit 60 too. Killing mobs inside AV and turning in quests will give you EXP.
Do you get XP when you level up in BG?
No. Turning in the quests does. Quests and mobs give exp in AV. You can enter at level 51. Not directly, but you get a pretty good amount from turning in the badges. My cousin leveled 10-60 almost exclusively in BG’s in retail vanilla doing exactly this.
Is there any XP in the classic battleground?
Nope no xp in classic from it. BGs are giving exp? This is why twinking was the best back then, no bg xp. BG XP was added 5 years after Vanilla came out. Yeah, you get no XP in BGs bud. Sorry. You get marks that can be turned in for XP.