Would " no Dudo que..." take the subjunctive?


Would " no Dudo que..." take the subjunctive?

Would " no Dudo que..." take the subjunctive?

We all agree that 'dudar que...' will take the subjunctive (Yo dudo que tú leas los libros). About half of us think that 'no dudar que...' would take the indicative and the other half think that it would take the subjunctive. I'm asking you guys because the teachers can not even agree which one is right, and different sites can not agree.

What is the meaning of subjunctive in Spanish?

The subjunctive (el subjuntivo) is one of the three moods in Spanish, the other two being the indicative and the imperative. The subjunctive is used to express desires, doubts, the unknown, the abstract, and emotions.

When to use subjunctive in the second clause?

Since the above statement does not express certainty, the subjunctive (vaya) is required in the second clause. The difference between indicative and subjunctive is the difference between certainty/objectivity (indicative) and possibility/subjectivity (subjunctive). Indicative. John goes to the store.

When to use no Dudo in a sentence?

In the above sentence, the clause “no dudo” introduces a quality of certainty, — the speaker has no doubt, so the indicative mood is used in the second clause (va) as well as the first (no dudo). Let’s make another slight change to our example: Dudo que usted vaya al Perú en diciembre. I doubt that you are going to Peru in December.

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