Do you have to pay a Super speeder fine?

Do you have to pay a Super speeder fine?
In addition to the fines and fees paid to the jurisdiction where the speeding offense took place, a $200 Super Speeder state fee is to be paid by the convicted driver.
What is the Super speeder law in Georgia?
Reinstatement FAQs - Super Speeder. 1. What is Super Speeder? Georgia's 'Super Speeder Law' defines a Super Speeder as a driver convicted of speeding at 75 mph or more on a two-lane road or at 85 mph and above on any road or highway in the State of Georgia.
How much is the Super speeder reinstatement fee?
Payment of a $50 reinstatement fee in addition to the $200 Super Speeder fee will then be required to reinstate their license or driving privileges. 2. How will I be notified that I owe the Super Speeder fee?
What are the laws on speeding in Texas?
Texas’s basic speeding law prohibits driving “at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing.” In other words, motorists must always drive at a safe speed. What a safe speed is will depend on the circumstances. ... Generally, anyone convicted of speeding will have to pay a fine plus court costs.