Do you need a polygraph for a SCI clearance?

Do you need a polygraph for a SCI clearance?
Polygraph Some federal clearances for Sensitive Compartment Information (SCI) and other Special Access Programs (SAP) require a polygraph screening examination in addition to a Single Scope Background Investigation. Generally polygraph exams are not used when only a collateral security clearance is needed.
How long does it take for a TS / SCI polygraph?
The process takes four to six months if nothing goes wrong. Things that could go wrong include you having a history of visiting certain blacklisted countries, having the wrong friends, using recreational drugs, or not being a naturalized or native-born U.S. citizen.
Is it better to be truthful in a polygraph?
Just like your security clearance application, you are better off being truthful when you answer questions in a security clearance polygraph. Just as issues can be mitigated in a ‘whole person’ security clearance determination, seemingly self-incriminating polygraph responses may also be mitigated if you provide truthful answers.
What are the questions on a CI polygraph?
The CI Polygraph focuses on questions such as, "Are you related to any terrorists," while the Lifestyle Polygraph questions focus more on your personal criminal history and drug use.