Do you need to enable hunt group in Jabber?
Do you need to enable hunt group in Jabber?
Note: "EnableHuntGroup" is added in order to get the "Log into Hunt Groups" option. It is not mandatory in the case that Jabber for Windows will only be used for call pickup and not to answer calls as a member of a Hunt Group. Once Jabber accepts these settings, this is what you will see activated in Jabber for Windows.
What is the call pickup group number in Jabber?
Call pickup group number and name: 4000 (test); both 1000 and 1002 are part of this call pickup group, hence Jabber receives the call pickup group call as seen in this screen capture. Here is a notification received when Jabber for Windows receives the call as per the "distribution algorithm" in Line group.
Where do I get Jabber 10.5 config file?
Luckily, Cisco introduced a new feature in Jabber 10.5, the rub is that you’ll need to edit the jabber-config.xml file. Download the current jabber-config.xml file from your TFTP server – http:// (CUCM TFTP):6970/jabber-config.xml Launch Jabber on your PC.