Do you need radio telex on a ship?

Do you need radio telex on a ship?
NBDP (Radio Telex) terminals are often not used on board a ship. Even a few coast stations these days have NBDP facilities. But if this equipment is on board, you need to know everything you need about it.
Where did the idea of radioteletype come from?
Radioteletype ( RTTY) is a telecommunications system consisting originally of two or more electromechanical teleprinters in different locations connected by radio rather than a wired link. Radioteletype evolved from earlier landline teleprinter operations that began in the mid-1800s.
What kind of computer is a radioteletype?
Radioteletype ( RTTY) is a telecommunications system consisting originally of two or more electromechanical teleprinters in different locations connected by radio rather than a wired link. These machines were superseded by personal computers (PCs) running software to emulate teleprinters.