Is SCP 173 real?

Is SCP 173 real?
SCP-173, also known as "The Sculpture" or "Peanut" is the main antagonist of SCP - Containment Breach and the first SCP ever documented by the Foundation. SCP-173 is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile, though the object cannot move while within a direct line of sight.
Where to find SCP 173 After containment breach?
SCP-173 is the first SCP object that the player encounters. After the intro cutscene, SCP-173 will escape into a large ventilation system. After the containment breach, SCP-173 appears in the following room, next to its containment chamber.
How often do you have to clean SCP-173?
While in containment, SCP-173 has been known to produce a reddish brown substance on the floor which later was identified as a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown. The enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis. A demonstration of SCP-173 as of v0.6.4.
Which is the only SCP that does not move?
SCP-173 is the only SCP that does not have any animations and is a static model. However, in older versions of the game, SCP-173 was able to turn it's head in different directions. SCP-173's behavior is similar to that of the Boos from Super Mario Bros., in that it does not move when being watched.