Which is more drought resistant ryegrass or tall fescue?


Which is more drought resistant ryegrass or tall fescue?

Which is more drought resistant ryegrass or tall fescue?

Tall fescue is a drought-resistant grass species and is more able to cope with drought than perennial ryegrass. This is due to its root system, which is very deep and able to access water deeper in the soil.

Do you cut rye grass or tall fescue?

If you decide to use a ryegrass mixture, you should ensure you cut your grass regularly to stop the ryegrass from crowding out other grasses. Perennial Ryegrass can be grown in various soils but isn’t as drought tolerant as tall fescue.

What kind of seed do you use for ryegrass?

Often Perennial Ryegrass is mixed with other types of grass seed, including tall fescue. Combining these two types of seeds can help provide faster coverage. You may be interested in our guide to buying the best perennial ryegrass seed.

How is perennial ryegrass used as a nurse grass?

Lolium perenne Owing to its high commercial availability, fast establishment rate, and deep and fibrous root system that reduces erosion, perennial ryegrass is used extensively as a nurse grass in establishing grass mixtures. It is therefore often incorporated into roadside grass mixtures.

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